
Thank you, Ma'am Question and answers.

1.     What is the significance of the title of the story “Thank you, Ma’am” by Langston Hughes?                           [5 or 10 marks] Answer: - A title of a literary peace always reflects the innate message and frame of the literary art work. A title always establishes the ambiences of the whole story before hands and a perfect title always encourages leader to go through it immediately. The title of the story “Thank you, Ma’am” is very much significant as it succeeds to reflect the sprite of the whole story. The short story “Thank you, Ma’am” symbolizes how a middle-aged woman filled with motherly emotions treated a teenager so tenderly! She was very kind to a boy who attempted to switch her purpose. Moreover, she took him to her house and fed him realize why   one should not choose any wrong way to achieve something as it burns one’s...

Thank you, Ma'am inside questions

  Thank you, Ma’am -          Langston Hughes 1.     “ It was about eleven o’clock at night, and she was walking alone, when   a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse. ” i.                    Who is the woman? ii.                 Write in brief what happen then? 2.     “ After that the woman said, “Pick up my pocketbook, boy, and give it here.” ” i.                    Describe the situation after the text. ii.                 Who is the boy meant here? 3.     “ “If I turn you loose, will you ran?” asked the woman. “Yes’m,” said the boy...