The Paper Menagerie inside questions 2023


3.             The Paper Menagerie

-         Ken Liu

1.    One of my earliest memories starts with me sobbing. I refused to be soothed no matter what Mom and Dad tried.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                Whose memories are referred to here?

iii.             How was the speaker actually at last consoled and with what effect?

2.    I laughed, startled, and stroked its back with my index finger.

i.                   Who is ‘I’ here?

ii.                What is meant by ‘Mom’s creation’?

iii.             How was the creation created?

3.    Zhe jiao zhezhi,” Mom said. This is called origami.

i.                   Whom does the speaker say so and when?

ii.                What do you technically mean by ‘origami’?

iii.             How is this word associated with the story?

4.    I didn’t know this at the time, but Mom’s breath was special. She breathed into her paper animals so that they shared her breath, and thus moved with her life. This was her magic.

i.                   Who is ‘I’ here?

ii.                What sort of magic is referred to here?

5.    When and how did the narrator’s mother and father meet?

6.    I would then have to blow into them to re-inflate them so they could run around some more.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                Who is ‘I’ here?

iii.             Try to grasp the mood of the narrator here.

7.    I picked him out quickly but the capillary action had already pulled the dark liquid high up into his legs.

i.                   Name the text and the author.

ii.                Whose legs are meant here?

iii.             What is the dark liquid mentioned here?

iv.             How are the legs associated with the capillary action? Explain.

8.    I dried him out in the sun, but his legs became crooked after that, and he ran around with a limp.

i.                   Who was dried in the sun and when?

ii.                How were the legs cooked?

iii.             Was it possible for the creature to limb around? Why not if not?

9.    He whimpered and winced as I held him.

i.                   Who is he here?

ii.                When and how did it whimpered?

iii.             Write in brief its consequences.

10.      I filled the sink with water, and put him in. He swam around and around happily.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                Whom does the speaker put in the sink and why?

iii.             What happened next?

11.      Whom did the speaker go to rescue and when?

12.      Mark was disappointed by my response. “Show me your toys.” I didn’t have any toys except my paper menagerie.

i.                   Who is Mark?

ii.                Why was he disappointed?

iii.             Whose response are meant here?

iv.             What do you mean by paper menagerie?

13.      Here’s your stupid cheap Chinese garbage.

i.                   Where does this line occur?

ii.                What is referred to here as Chinese garbage?

iii.             Why is this called so?

14.      “We are not other families.” I looked at him. Other families don’t have Moms who don’t belong.

i.                   Bring out the significance of this line.

15.      “Speak English to him,” Dad said Mom. “You knew this was going happen someday. What did you expect?”

i.                   Who is the speaker here?

ii.                When does the speaker say so and to whom?

iii.             What does the speaker want to mean here?

16.      The next morning, the animals had escaped and taken over their old favourite spots in my room. I caught them all and put them back into the shoebox, taping the lid shut.

i.                   Who is I here?

ii.                Which animals are meant here?

iii.             How did those animal escape?

17.      After a while, she tried to use more English. But her accent and broken sentences embarrassed me. I tried to correct her.

i.                   Whose mother is meant here?

ii.                What does the speaker want to mean here?

18.      For years she had refused to go to the doctor for the pain inside her that she said was no big deal. By the time an ambulance finally carried her in, the cancer had spread far beyond the limits of surgery.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                Why do you think has she refused to go to a doctor?

iii.             What sort of pain has she felt in her heart?

19.      I reached out to touch her hand, because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.

i.                   Who is I here?

ii.                Whose hand does she touch?

iii.             Why does the speaker say so?

20.      Focus on your life. Just keep that box you have in the attic with you, and every year, at Qingming, just take it out and think about me. I’ll be with you always.

i.                   Who said the cotted words to and to whom?

ii.                When does the speaker say so and why?

iii.             What is the box that the speaker speaks here?

21.      Susan found the shoebox in the attic.

i.                   Name the text and the author.

ii.                Describe the shoe box after the text.

iii.             Why was it placed in the attic? Where was it found and write in brief what happen then?

22.      The memory of children could not be trusted.

i.                   Explain this line.

23.      I had never learned to read Chinese, but I know the characters of my son, and they were at the top, where you’d expect them in a letter addressed to you, written in Mom’s awkward, childish handwriting.

i.                   Who is I here?

ii.                Why does the speaker take the Chinese language here?

iii.             What does the phrase ‘Character for my son’ mean here?

24.      The language that I had tried to forget for years came back,

i.                   Which language is meant here?

ii.                Why had the speaker tried to forget the language and how did it come back?

25.      Summarize the letter of Jack’s Mom.


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