Wren and Martin ,High School English Grammar and Composition, Exercise 71 Solved,


Wren and Martin, High School English Grammar and Composition, Exercise 71 Solved

Exercise 71

1.  The poet sat in this tower and gazed on the sea.
2.  The project completely failed and everyone was surprised.
3.  We saw the rain coming on and took shelter under a tree.
4.  He not only educated his nephew but also set him up in business.
5.  The fog was very dense and so the steamer sailed at less than half speed.
6.  Raleigh took off his cloak politely and placed it in the muddy street.
7.  He was occupied with important matters and so had no leisure to see us.
8.  He is popular, yet he cannot be called a great writer.
9. He rushed against Horatius and smote with all his might.
10. He was very learned, yet he was far from being a pedant.
11. Little Jack Horner sat in a corner and ate his Christmas pie.
12. He must reign or he will be publicly dismissed.
13. There is draught and so the crop is Short.
14. The sun set, yet the men had not completed their work.
15. He made several efforts but failed.
16. He had pleasant manners and so he gained many friends.
17. He gave them not only pecuniary assistance but also much valuable advice.
18. The referee whistled and the game was stopped.
19. He was negligent and therefore the company suffered heavy losses.
20. He ran at top speed and got out of breath.
21. He possessed all the advantages of education and health, yet he never made a name.
22. The magician took pity on the mouse and turned it into a cat.
23. He was dissatisfied and therefore he resigned his position.
24. He threw off his coat and plunged into the sea.


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