class test 9.8.2021


CLASS X ..... CLASS WORK ON 9/8/21
1. A student may want to know how many stages insects_____ before they become

A) made up of B) become of C) go through D) put through E) turn down

2. If you_____ yourself there is nothing in which you cannot succeed.

A) trust off B) black out C) bring in D) believe in E) get along with

3. I think he will not be able to _____ this difficult schedule.

A) get along with B) look forward to C) keep up with D) keep on E) break through

4. Because of storm and the heavy rain the flight was ______ .

A) called out B) checked out C) carried out D) carried on E) called off

5. This encouraging explanation has given him the will to ______ with his duties with great
deal of enthusiasm.

A) call in B) catch up with C) carry on D) call up E) call down

6. After a long debate the problems were _______ and the main problem turned out to be
merely a misunderstanding at the end.

A) called for B) cared for C) cleared up D) cheered up E) carried for

7. When my parents were abroad, I ______ my small sister.

A) took after B) kept in touch C) checked up D) looked upon E) cared for

8. We have to _______ these mosquitoes in order to sleep without being interrupted.

A) count on B) cut down C) do without D) fall in with E) do away with

9. The company should ______ the price so as to sell more, otherwise the stocks will not be

A) get along with B) back up C) bring in D) cut down E) come over

10. The old professor _______ last night because of a heart attack.

A) came up B) ran across C) put through D) passed away E) turned out

11. You have to _______ the things which you learn many times during a day in order not to
forget them.

A) put aside B) try on C) do over D) come up with E) get along with

12. Can you ______ how to use these tools?

A) get around B) give up C) turn down D) set out E) figure out

13.Let's go swimming. - Sorry but, I don't _______ it. We may go tomorrow. I want to stay
at home today.
A)get away B) hold on C) feel like D) get through E) get on
14. The doctor warned him to_______ smoking as soon as possible if he did not want to die of
A) get along B) feel like C) get over D) give up E) give off
  15. I missed the lesson on the short story yesterday, but the teacher told us that he would
repeat the lesson, so I will be able________ to what I missed.
A) make out B) make up for C) hold up D) keep up with E) put off
16. Hello, can I speak to Mr. Kurshad, please? - He has just entered his office, can I_____ you
A) put up with B) put away C) put through D) hang up E) hold on
17. I will put this watch here for five minutes as I am going to swim. Please_____ it so it doesn't
get lost.
A) look before B) take in C) keep on D) hand in E) keep an eye on
18. In general, mice can't______ cats, in the same way, that cats can't with dogs.
A) get after B) go about C) get along with D) find out E) get through
19. Player : Do I have to go on running? I am very tired. Trainer : it until I say enough.
A) Put / up
B) Run / it
C) Keep / up
D) Put / through
E) Point / out
20. I don't really like Mr. Ram. He may be very rich but it
doesn't give him the right to _________ poor people.
A) look up to
B) look after
C) put out

D) pick out
E) look down on

21. You have to______your assignments on Friday.

A) take after

B) hand in

C) run after
D) settle down
E) take down

22. Do you know when World War II_______ ?

A) broke off

B) broke through

C) broke in

D) broke down

E) broke out

23. Many European people _________ in the New World to

begin a new life in a new place.

A) send for

B) set out

C) settled down

D) run into

E) put out

24. I have to_____ 100 dollars a month if I want to buy the

TV set.

A) mix up

B) show off

C) put aside

D) save through

E) put out


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