I. Short Answer Questions:

1. Name two important source of information about the Harappan civilization.

Answer: Archaeological remains and Inscriptions are the major sources of information on the Harappan civilization.

2. Name one important public building of Indus Valley Civilization and its importance.

Answer: One of the important building or structure of the Indus Valley Civilisation was 'The Great Bath'. It is one of the well known structure of the time and the said civilisation. It has been traced and found in the ruins of the old settlement of Mohenjo-Daro i.e. in the present day Sindh of Pakistan.

3. Give any two characteristic features of the Citadel.

Answer:  Any two characteristic features of the Citadel are as follows:

  1. Important buildings such as the Great Bath, granary, assembly halls and workshops were built in this part of the city.
  2. The citadel points towards an elaborate and efficient planning of the city which justifies that the Harappan Civilisation was an urban civilisation.
  3. 4. 

    4. Answer: Seals were used for facilitating long-distance communication. When a bag of goods was transported, its mouth was tied with a rope and wet clay with one or more seals being pressed to leave an impression. This ensured that the bag has not been meddled with.

    The Harappan seals found in West Asia show that the Harappans traded with West Asian countries.

    5. Briefly describe the granaries at Harappan. 

    Answer: Granaries were found at several sites such as Harappa, Lothal and Mohenjo-daro. At Mohenjo-daro, the granary was 45.71 metres in length and 15.23 metres in breadth.

    • Two rows of six granaries were found at Harappa. Working floors consisting of rows of circular brick platforms were discovered to the south of the granaries in Harappa. It is believed that it was built for threshing grains as remains of grains of wheat and barley were found in crevices of the floor.
    • Near the granaries, two-roomed barracks have been found which might have housed labourers.
    • The granary was built on a raised platform to protect it from floods.

    6. Briefly describe the ornaments worn by the Harappans.

    Answer: At the top are fillets of hammered gold that would have been worn around the forehead. The other ornaments include bangles, chokers, long pendant necklaces, rings, earrings, conical hair ornaments, and broaches. ... These ornaments were hidden under the floors in the homes of wealthy merchants or goldsmiths.

    7. Briefly describe the statue of the dancing girl.

    Answer:  The statue is 10.5 centimetres (4.1 in) tall, and depicts a naked young woman or girl with stylized proportions standing in a confident, naturalistic pose. Dancing Girl is well-regarded as a work of art, and is a cultural artefact of the Indus Valley Civilisation. The bronze statue of the dancing girl was found in the archaeological remains of the city of Mohenjo-daro. It is considered as a masterpiece of art and a testimony to the fact that there was considerable development in the art of sculpture at that point of time. The figurine is a fine piece of art. The right hand of the statue is placed on the right hip whereas the left hand wields a lot of bangles. The statue also holds a small bowl against its left leg. It is considered to be an important relic of the Harappan civilisation.

    8. Mention the types of dress worn by Indus Valley people.

    Answer: Most people used cotton clothes. Rich people also used woolen clothes in winter. The women's dress included skirts, cloaks, and scarfs, and the men's dress was dhoti and shawl.

    9.State two features of the internal trade in the Indus Valley Civilisation.

    Answer: The Harappans had trade relations with distant countries. This can be established by the facts that Copper was probably brought from Oman. This is indicated by the fact that both Omani copper and Harappan artefacts have traces of nickel suggesting a common origin.

    • A large Harappan jar coated with a thick layer of black clay has been found at Omani sites. The Harappans may have exchanged the contents of these vessels with copper.

    10. State any two evidences that show the harappans also had trade relations with forign countries.

    Answer: Stamps, seals and archaeological evidence for maritime relations between the Harappans and Arabia and some textual and iconographic evidence that Mesopotamians knew about the Harappan world (Meluhha) and for at least a few Indus people in Mesopotamia – including what has been identified as an Indus translator.

    11. Name four animals depicted on the Pashupati seal.

    Answer: This seal shows a seated figure of a Yogi, probably Shiva Pashupati, surrounded by four animals - a rhino, a buffalo, an elephant and a tiger. There are two deer shown under the throne. Pashupati means the lord of animals. This seal may throw light on the religion of the Harappan age.

    12. State any two causes that led to the decline of the Harappan Civilisation.

    Answer: There are 3 widely circulated theory regarding the decline of indus valley civilization : Floods. Ecological changes : salinisation and spreading of the desert led to eventual desertion of cities. Invasion of Aryans.

    13. What types of weights and measures did the Indus people use?

    Answer: Many stone weighs have been discovered from several excavations. The Harappans used cubical stone weighs.The basic unit was 16 (equal to 14 grams today). Large weighs were multiple of 16 like 32, 48, 64 etc. Smaller ones were fractions of 16.

    14. State any two ways to show the value of Indus Script as a source of historical information.

    Answer: The script has not yet been deciphered. But the seals have played a great role in finding the script as it is a form of pictorial writing and also copper tablets have engravings on them that lead to more historic information.

    15. In what two respects is Harappan Civilisation our greatest heritage?

    Answer: The Harappan Civilisation presents a basic ground of indispensable heritage which imparts a solid imprint on the latter civilsations, e.g. the way of making baked pottery, bricks, beads, jewelry, etc. The cultivation of cotton was adopted by the Egyptians after several centuries.


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