Mathematics: Concise Mathematics (Publisher-Selina) First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+ Class Test 20) Chap: 1) Rational and Irrational numbers. 2) Compound Interest [Without using formula] 3) Compound Interest [Using formula] 4) Expansions. 5) Factorisation. 9) Triangles.(Congruency in triangle) 10) Isosceles triangles. 22) Trigonometrical Ratios. 26) Co-Ordinate Geometry. Project: (Marks-20) Statistics. Second Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Chap: 6) Simultaneous Equations [Including Problems.] 7) Indices [Exponents] 8) Logarithms. 11) Inequalities. 12) Mid point and Its Converse (Including Intercept theorem) 13) Pythagoras theorem. 14) Rectilinear Figures. 15) Construction of Polygones. 16) Area Theorem. 17) Circle. 18) Statistics. 19) Mean & Median (For ungrouped data only) 20) Area and Perimeter of Plane figures. 21) Solids 23) Trigonometrical Ratios of Standard Angles. 24) Solution of Right Triangles. 25) Complementary Angles. 27) Graphical Solution. 28) Distance Formula. Project: (Marks-20) Pre Broad Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Entire Syllabus of ICSE - IX Chemistry: Concise Chemistry, Selina Publisher First Terminal Examination:(Marks-Written 80+Project 20) 1) The language of Chemistry, 2) Chemical changes and Reaction, 3) Water, 4) Atomic structure and chemical Bonding, 5) Study of Gas Laws. Project: (Marks-20)- Class test based on First Terminal Syllabus. Second Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) 1) The periodic table 2) Study of first element- Hydrogen 3) Atmospheric pollution. 4) Practical Work. +First Term entire syllabus Project: (Marks-20)- (Class test based on Second Terminal Syllabus.) Pre Board Examination: Theory - 80 Marks. Full Syllabus. Project: 20 Marks Class test based on full syllabus. Annual Examination: Theory - Marks-80 Full Syllabus. Project - Prepare a Periodic Table on Chart Paper. [l =25cm. b=40 cm.] Syllabus - 2021 - 2022 Class - IX Holy Child School Sisters of Charity Kalna, Jewdhara Dist - Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal Pin - 713409 History: Total History & Civics-9, Morning Star Publication. First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) 1) The Harappan Civilization. 2) The Vedic Period. 3) Jainism and Buddhism. 4) The Mauryan Empire. 5) The Sangam Age. 6) The Age of the Guptas. Part-II 7) Our Constitution. 8) Salient Features of the Constitution-I 9) Salient Features of the Constitution-II Second Terminal Examintion: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) 1) The Cholas, 2) The Delhi Sultanate. 3) The Mughal Empire. 4) Composite Culture. 5) Renaissance. 6) The Reformation. 7) Industrial Revolution. Part-II 8) Elections. 9) Local Self-Government-Rural 10) Local-Self-Government -Urban. Pre Board & Annual Examination:(Marks-Written 80+Project 20) will be on full syllabus. Project: (Marks-20) In a properly covered project file, along with acknoledgement, contents, introduction and bibliography,make a pictorial presentation of inventions and innovations as a result of the Industrial Revolution. English Language: Total English-9 1) Composition of about 300-350 words from a choice of subjects. (Marks-20). 2) Letter from a choice of either formal or an informal mode of treatment. (Marks-10) 3) Notice & E-mail based on same subject. (Marks-10) 4) An Unseen passage with short answer type questions & a summary.(Marks-20) 5) Functional Grammar.(Marks-20) Note: 1)[All the terms will follow 80(Written)+ 20 (Oral/Aural)] 2) Question paper strictly based on ICSE regulation. English Literature: First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written-80+Project-20) 1) DRAMA: THE MERCHANTOF VENICE(Shakespeare’s unabriged book by A.W.Verity) Act: 1- Scenes 1,2,3. Act:2- Scenes 1, 2, 3 2) POETRY: TREASURE TROVE 1) Heart of a Tree. 2) The Cold Within 3) Bangle Sellers. 3) PROSE: TREASURE TROVE 1) Chief Seattle’s Speech, 2) The Old Man at the Bridge. 3) A Horse and Two Goats. Second Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written-80+Project-20) 1)Drama: THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Act:2 Scenes: 4,5,6,7,8,9 Act: 3 Scenes: 1 Only 2)POETRY: TREASURE TROVE 1) After Blenheim, 2) Television, 3) Daffodils. 3)PROSE: TREASURE TROVE 1) Hearts and Hands. 2) A Face in the Dark. 3) Angle in Disguise Pre-Board Examination/Board Examination Complete syllabus for Class-IX will be followed. Note: All the three terms will follow 80 (Written)+ 20 (Internal Assessment) and the Pattern of question paper strictly based on ICSE regulation] Internal Assessment: Assignment of approximately (300-400) words. Suggested Assignments: Assignment should be based on the prescribed text books on the following lines: 1) Character/thematic analysis. 2) Socio-economic, cultural, historical relevance/background. 3) Summary/Paraphrase. 4) Appreciation of literary qualities. 5) Identifying with a character putting one self in the place of a character in given circumstances and emplaining one’s actions. Note: Question Paper will be set strictly based on ICSE regulation. Physical Education: Physical Education. Publishers-Evegreen. Section-A: Biological Part-(Marks-50). Section-B:Theroy(Marks-50) Field Practical:Total-100. First Terminal Examination: Section-A:Marks-50 1)The Human Anatomy and Physiology. 2) Muscular System. 3) Games and Sports. Section-B: Marks-50 1) Volley ball. 2) Cricket. Field Practical: 1)Physical Fitness Test 2) Specialisation games 3) Project Work Second Terminal Examination: Section-A: 1) Circulatory System. 2) Respiratory System. 3) The Human anatomy and physiology. Section-B: 1) Volley ball. 2) Cricket. Field Practical: 1) Physical Fitness Test 2) Specialisation Games Annual Examination: [From Class-X Text Book] Book- Physical Education, Publishers Saraswati Publication. Section-A:(Marks-50) 1) Physical Education. 2) Body Type 3) Physical Fitness. Section-B: (Marks-50) 1) Cricket. 2) Volley ball Geography: Total Geography, Morning Star First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Chpters: 1) Earth as a planet. 7) Volcanoes. 8) Earthquake. 9) Weathering. 10) Denudation. 12) Composition and structure of the Atmosphere 13) Insolation 15) Humidity. Project: (Marks-20) Project work on Volcanoes. Second Terminal Examination: (Marks:Written-80+Project-20) Chapters: 2) Geographic Grid 3) Rotation and Revolution 4) Earth’s Structure. 5) Landforms of the Earth. 6) Rocks. 11) Hydrosphere 14) Atmospheric Pressure and Winds 16) Pollution. 17) Sources of Pollution. 18) Effects of Pollution 19) Preventive Measures 20) Natural Regions of the World. Pre Board Examination:(Marks:Written-80+Project-20) Pre Board Examination will be held on the entire syllabus. Annual Examination: (Marks:Written-80+Project-20) Annual Examination will be held on the entire syllabus Physics: ICSE Concise Physics, Part-I First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Ch: 1) Measurements and Experimentation,, 2) Motion in one dimension, 3) Laws of motion, 4) Pressure in fluids and atmospheric pressure 6) Heat and energy, Project: (Marks-20) MCQ Test from First Term Syllabus. Second Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Ch: 4) Pressure in fluids and atmospheric pressure. 5) Upthrust in fluids and Archimedes principle. 7) Reflection of light. 8) Propagation in Sound Waves, 9) Current Electricity, 10) Magnetism M.C.Q Test (Marks-20): All Chapters from class IX text book. Pre-Board Examination: (Marks-Written-80+Project-20) Examination will be conducted on the entire syllabus. Annual Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Examination will be conducted on the entire syllabus. Project :(Marks-20): Drawing diagram of images formed by Convex lenses for different positions of object. Biology:Concise Biology, Selina Publication. First Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Ch: 1) Introducing Biology, 2) Cell - The unit of life, 3) Tissues-Plant and animal Tissues, 4) Flower, 5) Pollination and Fertilization, 8) Five kingdom classificaiton Second Terminal Examination: (Marks-Written 80+Project 20) Ch: 6) Seed struture and germination. 7) Respiration in plants. 10) Nutrition. 11) Digestive System. 12) Skeleton - movement and locomotion.13) Skin. 14) The Respiratory System. 17) Aids to health. 18) Health organisations. 19) Waste generation and Management. Pre-board Examination: (Marks: Written-80+project-20) Entire Syllabus. Annual Examination: (ICSE Board Examination for IX) Entire Syllabus. Project: (Marks-20) Project File: (Marks-10) 1) AIDS 2) Different health organisations and their activity. 3) Bacterial Cell. 4) Plant and animal cell. 5) Human Respiratory system. 6) Experiment to prove that CO2 is produced by green plant during respiration. 7) Diseases due to malnutrition. Oral Test+Class Test (Marks-10) Computer: Computer Application. First Terminal Examination:(Marks-Theory-100) Internal Assessment-100(Practical). No of Assignment-5 1) Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts. 2) Introduc tion to Java. 3) Elementary concept objects and classes. 4) Values and Data types. 5) Operator in Java. 6) Conditional Constructs in Java. 7) Nested Loops. 8) Input in Java Second Terminal Examination: (Marks: Theory-100) Internal Assessment-100(Practical). No of Assignment-5 8) Mathematical Library Functions. 12) Computing and Ethics. + First Terminal. Annual Examination: (Marks: Theory100) Internal Assessment-100 (Practical)No of Assignment-5 1) Iterative Constructs in Java. 2) Method and Function. +First and Second Terminal Syllabus.


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