Explanation of the poem Television by Roald Dhal



Roald Dahl is addressing all British parents and telling them that the most important thing one must learn while raising children is to keep them away from the television set. He also says that it is possible to come to a better solution to the problem by not installing a television set in their homes in the first place.

Dahl speaks as if he has under taken long research on the bad effect of watching television by visiting a large number of Britisher’s. In most houses, he has found children lazing about all day and staying at the television screen with out doing any productive work at all. Next, he indulges in a bit of exaggeration that is none the less amusing when he says that some time the children stare so hard that their eyes bolls fall often. He has seen a dozen eye balls rolling about on the house.

Dahl says that children’s entire attention is captured by the television screen and they cannot concentrate on anything other than what they have seen.

Dahl admits that he knows that television can be a convent way to keep children occupied. While watching television children never cause travel. As a result, their parents can go about doing their household works without any interruption. However, parents do not consider what television might do to their children.

Capital letter are used in the line of the poem to emphasize that they carry the mane massage in the poem. This message is that watching too much television fills up the mind of the children with use less fact while at the same time destroy their ability to create or understand worlds of fantasy in their imagination it takes away their ability to think and they only keep staring at the television screen.

Dahl anticipates what the parents next question world be. They might agree to take away the television set from their children. But will ask how they are supposed to now keep their children and occupied. Dahl tells parents that they cannot have forgotten how children kept themselves entertain before the recent invention of television.

Dahl creates the alternate landscape that has been mentioned in the section on the poem setting.

In this landscape, children’s room are filled to the bring of books.

Dahl talks about the kind of typical fantasy that the children would read in his day. This are stories of adventure with many characters.

Dahl plays a tribute to another child author like him- Beatrix Potter. Potter’s books were known for the use of animals as character, and the various colorful elastration.

Dhal makes an earnest appeal to parents to throw away the television set and replace a bookshelf ignoring all the objection of parents.

Dahl feels sure that sonar or letter that children turn to reading books to time pass. Dahl says that the children will not be able to stop reading books. Once they have started and then will wonder why they had ever like watching television. In the end, the children will thank their parents to replace the books.


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