The Little Match Girl intext Question.

The Little Match Girl

1.    In the cold and gloom a poor little girl walked, bareheaded and barefoot, through the streets.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                 Who is the writer here?

iii.              Who is the little girl referred here?

iv.              Why was the little girl………..

2.    She had been wearing slippers, it is true, when she left home, but what good were they?

i.                   Who is she here?

ii.                 Who had her sleepers been lost?

iii.              What did she do then?

3.    Nobody had bought any from her, and no one had given her a single penny all day.

i.                   About whom is this said?

ii.                 What had the little girl been selling?

iii.              Would she been able to sell any? If not, what happened then?





1.    She struck another match, and suddenly she was sitting under the most beautiful Christmas tree.

i.                   Where do you find this line?

ii.                 Who is she here?

iii.              When and how did she hallucinate the tree?

iv.              Write in brief what happen then.

2.    ““Now someone is dying,” said the little girl, for her old grandmother.

i.                   Who is the writer of the text?

ii.                 When is it said and why?

3.    She took the little girl in her arms and flew with her high up, oh, so high, towards glory and joy!

i.                   Who is ‘she’ here?

ii.                 Who is the little girl here?

iii.              When and how did she go high?

4.    The dawn of the new year rose on the huddle figure of the girl.

i.                   What does the line mean?

5.    “She was evidently trying to warm herself,” people said.

i.                   When did people say so?

ii.                 Why do you think does the speaker say so?

6.    But no one knew what beautiful visions she had seen and in what a blaze of glory she had entered with her dear old grandmother into the heavenly joy and gladness of a new year.

i.                   What are the visions that the little girl had before she died?


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