Civics: Chapter - 1 The union Parliament. Class 10 icse inide questions

   The Union Parliament 

1.    Name the two types of authority in the federal setup of India.

Answer: - The two types of authority in the federal setup of India are – Union Government and State Government.

2.    Name the law-making body of the Union Government.

Answer: - The Parliament is the law-making body of the Union Government.

3.    Name the main constituents of the Indian Parliament.

Answer: - The main constituents of the Indian Parliament are- the President, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

4.    Name the two Houses of the Indian Parliament.

Answer: - The two houses of the Indian Parliament are- the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

5.    What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha?

Answer: - The maximum Strength of the Lok Sabha is 550.

6.    Who is empowered to summon and dissolve the Lok Sabha?

Answer: - The President is empowered to summon and dissolve the Lok Sabha.

7.    What is the term of the Lok Sabha?

Answer: - The term of the Lok Sabha is five years.

8.    What is the composition of the Lok Sabha?

Answer: - The composition of the Lok Sabha is – 550.

Not more than 530 members shall represent the states.

Not more than 20 members shall represent the Union Territories.   

                   550    →   530(State) + 20 (Union Territories)

9.    How many Sessions are there? Name them.

Answer: - There are three Sessions in a year-

i.                   The Budget Session (February – May)

ii.                 The Monsoon Session (July – August)

iii.              The Winter Session (November – December)


10.                       What is Quorum?

Answer: - The quorum means the minimum number of members required to be present in order to enable the House to transact its business.

11.                       What is Question Hour?

Answer: - The first hour on every working day of the Lok Sabha is reserved for questions unless otherwise decided by the Speaker. This hour (which usually starts at 11 am) is known as the Question Hour. It is intended to keep the functioning of the government open to scrutiny by the members.

12.                       What is interpellation?

Answer: - A member of the House may ask questions from the Government on matters of public interest. The right of the members to ask questions from the government is known as interpellation.

13.                       Mention the types of Question?

Answer: - There are three types of Questions -

i.                   Starred Questions.

ii.                 Unstarred Questions.

iii.              Short Notice Questions.

14.                       Which House is known as Upper House?

Answer: - The Rajya Sabha is known as Upper House, the Council of States.

15.                       Explain the composition of the Rajya Sabha.

Answer: - The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha can be 250. The members fall into two categories – nominated and elected. Out of 250 members –

                            238 + 12 = 250

                          ↙       ↘

                     (elected + Nominated)

The elected members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the members of the legislative Assemblies of each state. And the nominated members are nominated by the President.



16.  From which fields are the Rajya Sabha members nominated?

Answer: - The Rajya Sabha members are nominated from the field of Literature, Science, Art, Social Service.

17.  Who presides over the joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament?

Answer: - The Speaker presides over the joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament.

18.  What is the term of office of a Rajya Sabha member?

Answer: - The term of office of a Rajya Sabha member is six years. One-third of the total members of the House retire after every two years.

19.  Mention the age criteria to be a member of the Rajya Sabha.

Answer: - The minimum age for contesting election for the Rajya Sabha is 30 years.

20.  Who is the presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha?

Answer: - The Vice President is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He presides over the meeting of it.

21.  Mention the matters in which the Rajya Sabha has equal powers like the Lok Sabha.

Answer: - Rajya Sabha has equal powers like the Lok Sabha in the matters of impeachment of the President, removal of The Vice-President, constitutional amendments and removal of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts.

22.  Who elects the Deputy chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

Answer: - The Rajya Sabha members elects a deputy chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

23.  Name the body which elects the Rajya Sabha members.

Answer: - The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by the Legislative Assembly of States and the members of the Union Territories are chosen in such a manner as Parliament may prescribe.

24.  What is the maximum gap allowed between two parliamentary sessions?

Answer: - The gap between two parliamentary sessions shall be less than six months.

25.  Explain the qualifications required to be a member of the Rajya Sabha.

Answer: - The Qualifications for members of Rajya Sabha are-

i.             He should be an Indian citizen.

ii.           He should be at least 30 years of age.

iii.          He should have his name in the electoral rolls in some part of the country.

iv.         He should not be an insolvent, i.e., he should not be in debt and should have the ability to meet his financial commitments.

v.           He should not hold any office of profit under the government.

vi.         He should not be a proclaimed criminal.

vii.        He should not be of unsound mind.



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